Quercetin Leaky Gut : Cure The Syndrome With Effective Treatment

It is to be knows that quercetin leaky gut treatment is one option that most people choose when curing the syndrome. But you have to know first how it works and how effective the curing method before applying the healing treatment to the disease. Belo the explanation how the process of quercetin in removing leaky gut (Read : What Is Leaky Gut) and some benefits for you and other users who choose this option. Read more.

What Is Quercetin As Leaky Gut Cure

Quercetin is known to be one of the most effective substance on how to cure leaky gut syndrome. Quercetin is a flavonoid, meaning it is a potent anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-allergy substance. As one of the most pervasive flavonoids found in food, quercetin is quite easy to obtain. In some vegetables, spices and fruits, such as kale, onion and apples, quercetin is found in abundant amount. As a beneficial substance, quercetin is thus found in many delicious foods that you usually eat. If you want to treat leaky gut syndrome, quercetin leaky gut treatment is one of the easiest and the most effective solutions that you can actually try.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome Actually?

The wall of the gut is designed to be semipermeable so that healthy nutrients that the body needs can be absorbed from the food when it passes through the gut. The food obviously may also carry toxic substances, indigestible particles, dangerous bacteria and fungi, and other substances that the body doesn’t need. Those junks are meant to be expelled from the body through excretion process. Under normal condition, the gut wall with its semipermeable properties can allow the absorption of healthy nutrients, prevent harmful substances from seeping through the wall, and keep those substances in the gut until they can be excreted.

How To Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome With Quercetin

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition characterized with higher permeability level of the gut wall. This means the gut wall can no longer prevent those toxic substances from escaping the gut and entering the bloodstream. What will happen then is that the body will try to fight those substances. If this fighting continues, the body’s immune system will start to act anomalously and attack normal body tissues and substance. This condition is called autoimmune disease. Quercetin leaky gut cure treatment is intended to prevent this mishap from ever happening.

Read : How To Cure Leaky Gut Just With a Good Diet Plan

How Does Quercetin Leaky Gut Treatment Work?

In your body, quercetin does a number of miraculous actions that are proven to be beneficial for your digestive organs, especially the gut. Quercetin is known to be a potent anti-allergic substance. In the gut, it prevents the release of histamine and puts a stop to allergic reactions that trigger the “leak.” Canceling the allergic effect that occurs in the gut is the first step of quercetin leaky gut treatment. Besides preventing allergy, quercetin also strengthens the gut wall by catalyzing the assembly and activation of tight junction proteins, which regulate the permeability of the gut wall. Being a potent antioxidant, quercetin also sweeps away damaging free radicals in the body.

Quercetin with Other Flavonoids

Quercetin works well with other flavonoids. Therefore, in addition to consuming herbs that are rich in quercetin, such as onion, which contains about 200-600 mg of quercetin per 1 kg, it is also recommended that you consume other herbs that are rich in naringinen, another flavonoid that offers the same healing effect with that of quercetin. Adding polyphenols to your diet is also recommended as they improve the biological environment in the gut by supplying it with good bacteria. Quercetin leaky gut treatment accompanied with enough supply of beneficial flavonoids can help you free yourself from the harmful effects of leaky gut syndrome.