15 Better Tips How to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

How to heal leaky gut? Of course that is the question that most people who suffer this kind of illness looking for the right answer. What is the best leaky gut treatments and how to heal it with any cure methods that efficient and effectively. In this blog you will find all the answers that useful to apply for curing leaky gut syndrome.

How To Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Why Leaky Gut Exist

Before we actually jump into how to heal leaky gut, it would be better if we know the definition of the disease first. What is leaky gut syndrome? There are so many diseases in this era that come and developing itself to attack your body. The disease can be detected by lab test because many people that complain that they stomach hurt, but the test lab always reports it as normal.

The leaky gut is actually not a disease that can be detected by lab test, but sure it is an uncomfortable feeling that you can feel on your stomach. There are obviously the reasons of why this is dangerous but cannot be detected as well. Not to mention it is happen on your body, but you do not know how to explain it to the doctor. You felt that your stomach is hurting, but you cannot clarify clearly what is happening to your body.

How Leaky Gut Symptoms

Understand the symptoms of this disease can give sign how to heal leaky gut. Leaky gut, the phrase has explained everything. It means that your stomach is not in a good condition and possibly leads to a dangerous phase if you do not heal it quickly. The small intestine which is really important in the process of digesting your food is having a hard time because of leaky gut. The pores on the intestine can possibly be opened and it can lead an undigested food to get through the bloodstream of your body. Then, how to heal leaky gut would be the question to be asked after knowing this.

Understand The Cause of Leaky Gut

No, we are still not going to talk about how to heal leaky gut. We would start with what is the cause of leaky gut. The first cause of leaky gut is an artificial sugar. The next cause is milk casein. It can also possibly because of alcohol. The next cause is wheat glutton. Then, it is possible that it is being caused by stress. It is better to avoid eating those foods than asking how to heal leaky gut.

Based on research conducted by Dr. Fasano, said that the involvement of zonulin substances in leaky gut. Where, on the part of the intestine is composed of millions of cell binding. Those ties were broken by zonulin, so there are some substances that can through these holes such as bacteria and toxins. Bacteria and toxins then cause autoimmune diseases in the body such as irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, food allergies, etc.

Leaky Gut Prevention

Preventative action is better than you find the answer of how to heal leaky gut. You have to of course avoid consuming food that can cause this syndrome to happen. Then, you can also start by doing detox cleansing. This would clean your stomach and the digestive system would works better. Then, you can start by chewing your food through fully. Take your time and help the works of your digestive system. Pick healthy food only. It is such a simple step for a preventive action. If you do think that you need more preventive action, you can buy supplement that is good for your body. Glutamine and omega-3 are the example of vitamin that you can take to have a healthy bowel and do not need to question how to heal leaky gut.

Tips on How To Heal The Leaky Gut Syndrome

After knowing this symptoms, it is now the time to know how to heal leaky gut. Here are some healing leaky gut tips you can follow :

How To Heal Leaky Gut By Avoiding The Triggers

The most important step in healing leaky gut is eliminating the triggers the syndrome. Where leaky gut are caused by hidden inflammation as bacterial overgrowth or fungal infection of the small intestine within or outside the intestine
  1. Avoiding the types of foods that cause inflammation of the intestinal wall is an important step. You should avoid these :
    1. foods with high sugar content
    2. milk casein
    3. wheat gluten
    4. alcohol.
  2. Avoiding the kind of NSAIDs pain relievers are usually consumed to get rid of the headache, symptoms of arthritis, sprains and others.
  3. How to live healthy by avoiding stress, irritability, maintaining psychological health can be the answer to how to heal the leaky gut.
By avoiding food and condition of the above, at least you have to eliminate the triggers of the intestinal lining tissue damage that causes leaky gut.

Doing Some Good Habit

Doing some good habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle is the best way to do how to heal leaky gut
  1. Eating and chewing slowly would also bring a great help. Chewing food perfectly can help ferment the food as it passes through the intestines.
  2. Watch what you eat better.
  3. Make sure that you are only eating healthy and clean food only for the sake of your own health. Washing raw foods such as vegetables, fruits to avoid from agricultural chemicals such as pesticides is very important to avoid injury to the liver and intestinal irritation.
  4. Clean your body and make sure your body safe from any danger that can bring you a disease.

List Of Foods To Consume And Avoid

  1. Repairing Intestine Natural Condition, For Microbes
    Improve living conditions in the gut for microbial ecology is the key. Consumption of probiotics can you do to improve the lives of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
  2. Consumption of fermented foods to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  3. Increase antioxidants in the gut can help the digestive system. Foods that contain the following ingredients suitable for consumption: carotenoids, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, quercetin.
  4. The same as the prevention, you need to consume glutamine or omega-3 as it is proved can help.
  5. Toxic cleaning would also be a great thing to do.
  6. Avoid consumption of gluten can help avoid the causes of leaky gut
  7. Crude fiber-containing foods can help the intestines to process food better. The types of fruits, green vegetables, legumes are a source of food with crude fiber in sufficient quantities.
  8. Adding the amount of vitamin C in the body can help anti-allergenic substances. The types of fruits such as oranges, is able to give vitamin C from natural sources.

How To Heal Leaky Gut With Medical Treatment?

Medical treatment is also an option to choose. Even though the syndrome did not come out in lab test, but you can at least explain what is happening to your body now and the professional doctor would always have an answer and would help in helping you healing the pain. There are also many traditional treatments that would answer on how to heal leaky gut. They are also providing medicine from the nature, so it is possibly safer to answer how to heal leaky gut.