15 Better Tips How to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

How to heal leaky gut? Of course that is the question that most people who suffer this kind of illness looking for the right answer. What is the best leaky gut treatments and how to heal it with any cure methods that efficient and effectively. In this blog you will find all the answers that useful to apply for curing leaky gut syndrome.

How To Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Why Leaky Gut Exist

Before we actually jump into how to heal leaky gut, it would be better if we know the definition of the disease first. What is leaky gut syndrome? There are so many diseases in this era that come and developing itself to attack your body. The disease can be detected by lab test because many people that complain that they stomach hurt, but the test lab always reports it as normal.

The leaky gut is actually not a disease that can be detected by lab test, but sure it is an uncomfortable feeling that you can feel on your stomach. There are obviously the reasons of why this is dangerous but cannot be detected as well. Not to mention it is happen on your body, but you do not know how to explain it to the doctor. You felt that your stomach is hurting, but you cannot clarify clearly what is happening to your body.

How Leaky Gut Symptoms

Understand the symptoms of this disease can give sign how to heal leaky gut. Leaky gut, the phrase has explained everything. It means that your stomach is not in a good condition and possibly leads to a dangerous phase if you do not heal it quickly. The small intestine which is really important in the process of digesting your food is having a hard time because of leaky gut. The pores on the intestine can possibly be opened and it can lead an undigested food to get through the bloodstream of your body. Then, how to heal leaky gut would be the question to be asked after knowing this.

Understand The Cause of Leaky Gut

No, we are still not going to talk about how to heal leaky gut. We would start with what is the cause of leaky gut. The first cause of leaky gut is an artificial sugar. The next cause is milk casein. It can also possibly because of alcohol. The next cause is wheat glutton. Then, it is possible that it is being caused by stress. It is better to avoid eating those foods than asking how to heal leaky gut.

Based on research conducted by Dr. Fasano, said that the involvement of zonulin substances in leaky gut. Where, on the part of the intestine is composed of millions of cell binding. Those ties were broken by zonulin, so there are some substances that can through these holes such as bacteria and toxins. Bacteria and toxins then cause autoimmune diseases in the body such as irritable bowel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, food allergies, etc.

Leaky Gut Prevention

Preventative action is better than you find the answer of how to heal leaky gut. You have to of course avoid consuming food that can cause this syndrome to happen. Then, you can also start by doing detox cleansing. This would clean your stomach and the digestive system would works better. Then, you can start by chewing your food through fully. Take your time and help the works of your digestive system. Pick healthy food only. It is such a simple step for a preventive action. If you do think that you need more preventive action, you can buy supplement that is good for your body. Glutamine and omega-3 are the example of vitamin that you can take to have a healthy bowel and do not need to question how to heal leaky gut.

Tips on How To Heal The Leaky Gut Syndrome

After knowing this symptoms, it is now the time to know how to heal leaky gut. Here are some healing leaky gut tips you can follow :

How To Heal Leaky Gut By Avoiding The Triggers

The most important step in healing leaky gut is eliminating the triggers the syndrome. Where leaky gut are caused by hidden inflammation as bacterial overgrowth or fungal infection of the small intestine within or outside the intestine
  1. Avoiding the types of foods that cause inflammation of the intestinal wall is an important step. You should avoid these :
    1. foods with high sugar content
    2. milk casein
    3. wheat gluten
    4. alcohol.
  2. Avoiding the kind of NSAIDs pain relievers are usually consumed to get rid of the headache, symptoms of arthritis, sprains and others.
  3. How to live healthy by avoiding stress, irritability, maintaining psychological health can be the answer to how to heal the leaky gut.
By avoiding food and condition of the above, at least you have to eliminate the triggers of the intestinal lining tissue damage that causes leaky gut.

Doing Some Good Habit

Doing some good habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle is the best way to do how to heal leaky gut
  1. Eating and chewing slowly would also bring a great help. Chewing food perfectly can help ferment the food as it passes through the intestines.
  2. Watch what you eat better.
  3. Make sure that you are only eating healthy and clean food only for the sake of your own health. Washing raw foods such as vegetables, fruits to avoid from agricultural chemicals such as pesticides is very important to avoid injury to the liver and intestinal irritation.
  4. Clean your body and make sure your body safe from any danger that can bring you a disease.

List Of Foods To Consume And Avoid

  1. Repairing Intestine Natural Condition, For Microbes
    Improve living conditions in the gut for microbial ecology is the key. Consumption of probiotics can you do to improve the lives of beneficial intestinal bacteria.
  2. Consumption of fermented foods to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut.
  3. Increase antioxidants in the gut can help the digestive system. Foods that contain the following ingredients suitable for consumption: carotenoids, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, quercetin.
  4. The same as the prevention, you need to consume glutamine or omega-3 as it is proved can help.
  5. Toxic cleaning would also be a great thing to do.
  6. Avoid consumption of gluten can help avoid the causes of leaky gut
  7. Crude fiber-containing foods can help the intestines to process food better. The types of fruits, green vegetables, legumes are a source of food with crude fiber in sufficient quantities.
  8. Adding the amount of vitamin C in the body can help anti-allergenic substances. The types of fruits such as oranges, is able to give vitamin C from natural sources.

How To Heal Leaky Gut With Medical Treatment?

Medical treatment is also an option to choose. Even though the syndrome did not come out in lab test, but you can at least explain what is happening to your body now and the professional doctor would always have an answer and would help in helping you healing the pain. There are also many traditional treatments that would answer on how to heal leaky gut. They are also providing medicine from the nature, so it is possibly safer to answer how to heal leaky gut.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Does it Really Exist?

What is leaky gut syndrome? There are still many people who do not aware that this kind of symptom is existed. This phrase is getting more known after people aware that this is kind of dangerous, and moreover it cannot be detected by test lab. Maybe you have seen people or yourself say so. You feel like your stomach is hurting, but you cannot explain clearly about what is happening and where is it clearly happening on. Moreover, the test lab said that you do not have anything wrong on your system and you are just as healthy as other people. It can be right? Your stomach hurt, but there is nothing wrong? Then, what is leaky gut syndrome?

There is a possibility that you are having a leaky gut. This disease has already defined everything. The injury in your intestine which is especially happening in small intestine is the one that make your stomach hurting as much. This syndrome cannot be detected easily by lab test, so it is better to get a remedy by your own self. Not to mention, it is hard to explain what is leaky gut syndrome because the lab test said that you are having no problem in your body especially stomach. As the title said it all what is leaky gut syndrome? Does it really exist? Now, we would talk about what is leaky gut syndrome.

The Definition of What is Leaky Gut Syndrome

Although the diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome is relatively difficult to know the main cause, but there is a big possibility that the reason of this disease is as follows.

The occurrence of the disease is found on the body of the intestine. More precisely occurs in the small intestine. Naturally, the intestine has an ability called intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability. Where the intestine is able to absorb the nutrients that have been through treatment processes in the body.

But in some people who have a high level of sensitivity in the intestines, a different process occurs in the intestine compared to normal. Wherein when consuming foods containing gluten, the intestinal produce substances such as zonulin, which is a kind of protein that can break the linkage between the intestine. So that there is a leak in the gut because there is a gap between these sections.

When this intestinal leak, then there was a condition to the term leaky gut. Where there are substances in the body that can flow through the linkage of the intestine. In fact it can leak up into the bloodstream. This is because the gut can not work properly.

Although the cause of leaky gut is still unknown with certainty, but a substance which can lead to leaky gut is not only gluten, but there are several causes and other substances such as:
  • Age factor
  • Level of stress
  • Toxin
  • Infection
  • Alcohol
  • Food allergy
  • The growth of candida
  • Parasites of the intestine
  • Rapid growth of intestinal bacteria, or better known as the small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Antibiotics
  • Steroids
  • PBA (material plastic components)
  • Pesticides
  • Mercury
This existence of this leaky gut syndrome itself is actually relatively difficult to understand, even by doctors though. Even a doctor may not be able to understand the problem and its causes. So that patients seek handlers through other means than medical.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

People Perspective on Does It Really Exist

Now, after knowing what is leaky gut syndrome is, it is the time to get to know about the truth behind the statement. As the syndrome is being hyped out everywhere, people begin to question whether the symptom does really exist or not. After reading and knowing what is leaky gut syndrome, the next question is whether it does exist or not. Many people assumed that it is just an assumption since it cannot be proven by lab test. Some people also think that this is maybe just an advertisement for traditional medical treatment. That happen because the question what is leaky gut syndrome did not come out medically, but it is more like a disease but not a disease, just a kind of pain that would let a bigger pain to join the syndrome.

Feel If Leaky Gut Syndrome Exist

Other people said that yes it is really does exist. It is because all the explanation is making sense. It is about how your stomach feels badly hurt, but you cannot explain what is happening to you and the lab test does not show anything wrong on your body. This does not happen just to a person, but some people do feel so. So, it is possible that this syndrome is really existed. Actually after knowing what is leaky gut syndrome, you would take care of your body well, so that is good. Whether it does exist or not, at least you have known what is leaky gut syndrome and your will take care of your body well.

How To Prevent Leaky Gut Exist

Now, after knowing about what is leaky gut syndrome, you can start preventing it by eating healthily and eating a vitamin if it is really needed to keep your body healthy. Glutamine and omega-3 would be a great remedy and preventive medicine to get your gut always healthy. You can do some small things such as picky in eating the food that you eat, and also chewing slowly would be great to keep your digestive system healthy. If you do those steps, your stomach would be healthy and you do not need to questions what is leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome : What The Cause And Symptoms

The answer of what the causes of leaky gut syndrome is important in order to understand in dealing with the syndrome. Knowing the causes itself can help you in preventing the syndrome in the future. And below, I will tell you some factors that you must take care in preventing the gut syndrome.

The Causes And Symptoms on the Leaky Gut Syndrome

What the symptoms of the leaky gut syndrome. This would be the preventative ideas after knowing what is leaky gut syndrome and its symptoms. The first symptom is that you might feel bad digestive system in gas, bloating and even diarrhea. It is a small starting sign that warn you to be careful in taking care of your digestive system. After you read what is leaky gut syndrome, you got to know that it is related to digestive system.

Then, the second sign is that hormonal imbalances such as PMS happening frequently. The next, depression, stress and anxiety are also a possible mood swings that show a sign of what is leaky gut syndrome. Of you are having skin issues, there is also a sign of you are getting close to what is leaky gut syndrome. You have to be real careful if your feel those symptoms written above because it is a sign that warn you to watch what you eat and be careful in eating food.

Leaky Gut Causes And Syndrome Explanation In Video

Below the explanation about the causes and symptoms that happen on leaky gut in video format. Watch full the explanation to find out the sign of leaky gut that maybe there in you.

Understand all the explanation and you will find out how important to heal the syndrome with the right method.

Healing Leaky Gut Attempt

After knowing the symptoms and what is leaky gut syndrome, now it is the time to do the healing attempt. The first thing to do is to watch what you eat. Make sure that you are eating healthy food only and you are chewing numerous times to make sure that your intestine would be easier in doing their duty. To make sure that you understand what is leaky gut syndrome, you have to understand as well that you have to cleanse your body and do toxic detox to get rid of any toxin and poison on your body. Eating multivitamin such as omega-3 would also help in the process. Then, hope that’s all will explain about what is leaky gut syndrome.

Medical Leaky Gut Test To Diagnostic The Syndrome

Leaky gut test can be done in so many ways. Gut is important place for trillion beneficial bacteria. It is so important for your gastrointestinal system and it is related with some chronic health condition. In order to know more about some tests that you can do in order to determine whether you experience leaky gut or not, what you need to do is reading all information below first and then you can know more what you must do.
Guts is a place where there are beneficial bacteria in significant amounts. And mentioned that most of the human immune system is in place. And the conditions that exist in the gut, can determine the feeling of happiness or angrily at someone.

How Leaky Gut Occur?

Leaky gut syndrome occurs due to the gut lining experiencing abnormally permeable condition. Where these conditions results in existence of a gap that can stream certain substances from the intestines into the bloodstream. In normal conditions, the gut lining can not be bypassed by these substances. In the "closed" bowel condition, substances which are processed in the gut to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucosal cells.
Due to the damage and the existence of a gap between the linkage intestine, causing the flow of some materials such as toxins, bacteria, proteins that have not been completely digested, the fat and the other into the bloodstream.
When these substances in the bloodstream, there will be an autoimmune reaction. Where is the next process that occurs is an imbalance in the body that cause some other diseases. If this condition is left without proper treatment such as leaky gut intestinal permeability test, it can lead to other health problems in a person's body. And it became a sign or symptom that at least someone is suffering from leaky gut.

The Excess Health Problem Due To Leaky Gut

Here are the signs and symptoms of leaky gut syndrome:
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • Various diseases of the skin such as acne, eczema, prosiaris, rosacea.
  • Easily fatigued.
  • Allergic disease, shortness of breath, asthma.
  • Depression.
  • Diabetes.
  • Feelings sensitive because of a changing mood.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Having an autoimmune need leaky gut test.
  • Imbalance of hormones.
  • Candida overgrowth.
To ensure that a person suffering from syndrome is through leaky gut lab test. Because, just by observing the signs and symptoms of leaky gut visually, can give incorrect diagnosis.

4 Test To Determine Leaky Gut Syndrome

Below some test to take to determine someone whether suffer leaky gut or not.

Food Intolerance Test

The purpose leaky gut test for food intolerance is to know the reaction of the body against food consumption, whether the body will produce a particular antibody. If someone is having a reaction to a particular food, the body will show certain symptoms and may be indicated experiencing problems in the intestine.

Parasite Test

It is recommended to try parasite test. This teat will be done by breeding some parasites and parasites infections will be related with tropical and developing countries. In some Western countries, some patients will suffer with chronic conditions.

Bacterial Test

This test is performed to determine not the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which showed immune function in the gut.

Sugar Test

Tests conducted to determine levels of sugars such as lactulose and mannitol in a person's urine is produced as a result of leaky gut syndrome. By mannitol leaky gut test, it is good to know the indication that shows on someone. Meanwhile lactulose test or known as zonulin test is used to know the gap between gut lining and bloodstream.

Procedure Leaky Gut Test

How To Test For Leaky Gut Syndrome

Below the short explanation how to test for leaky gut.

Or you can follow the video about test for the same syndrome in complex discussion. By watching the video, you can find so many information that related with the problem, what best treatment and how to deal with it.

The above tests are carried out in-depth and meticulous to know the actual conditions of the above leaky gut syndrome suffered by a person. And also to provide appropriate handler to recover optimally. For all of you who want to do some leaky gut test types, you better consult with people that know about it. It helps you to get clear explanation about your real condition and of course you will know what you must do when you suffer with leaky gut.

Solving Leaky Gut Syndrome : Review Best Solution Program

Leaking gut syndrome is triggered by diet problem. Therefore, the best way for solving leaky gut is by making a correct diet plan. There are foods that you should avoid and foods that you should take when you have this condition. In order to understand how different kinds of food affect your gut, you should understand first what leaky gut syndrome is actually. Also there is a video you need to watch in the end of this article

How The Process Of Leaky Gut Syndrome Happened

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when allergic reactions in the digestive system triggers inflammation of the gut wall and increases its permeability level. The permeability of the gut wall is important in the digestion process of foods because when foods pass through the gut, it allows the gut wall to absorb healthy nutrients while blocking harmful substances, including bad bacteria, indigestible particles and toxins, from entering bloodstream.

When the wall is inflamed, its function as a filter is disrupted. As a result, harmful substances that pass through the gut can easily escape through the wall and enter the bloodstream.

What Are the Risks of Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Solving leaky gut syndrome as early as possible is important because without proper treatment, it can trigger many risks that can be detrimental to many organs in the body. The immune system is the first to be disturbed by this syndrome. When toxins start to enter bloodstream, the immune system of the body will fight them. If this occurs continuously, the immune system will start to lose its capacity to distinguish harmful substances from normal and harmless ones.

As a result, it will also start to attack bodily tissues as well as substances that are normally produced in the body. Leaky gut syndrome is also known to cause a large variety of disorders, ranging from migraine to autism. If no effective measure is taken for solving leaky gut syndrome, the body will be more vulnerable to allergies and other diseases. Taking a leaky gut test is important in order to understand the causes of the gut syndrome nd applying the right healing treatment.

Solving Leaky Gut Syndrome with Proper Diet Plan

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that is not to be treated with drug. With proper diet plan, this disorder can disappear on its own and the gut wall can repair itself. Because this syndrome is triggered by allergy, the most important measure to take to prevent it from occurring is by avoiding foods that have allergenic effect to the body.

People with lactose-intolerance should replace their lactose-based dairy products with lactose-free alternatives. People with celiac disease should avoid gluten as consuming so may cause diarrhea and anemia. Eliminating foods that trigger the condition is the first step of solving leaky gut syndrome.

In addition to avoiding allergenic substances, consuming foods that improve the environment of the gut is also recommended. Gut is a place where yeasts and other bad bacteria grow. Stopping feeding them by ceasing the consumption of foods and drinks that are rich in sugar and yeast is a good step to prevent the syndrome from worsening.

Certain food substances, notably quercetin and colostrum, are also known to improve the condition of the gut wall. Therefore, consuming them is also recommended to regain the overall well-being of the gut.

How To Solve Leaky Gut From A Specialist

Below Doctor Klapper gives some suggestion on how to solve leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky Gut Diet Plan A Simple Treatment For Healing The Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome may not be as scary as it sounds, but you still need to take it seriously. Don’t worry if this syndrome occurs because there is no big hole in your gut. It is just more permeable than it used to be. Under normal condition, the permeability of the gut allows nutrients passing through the gut to be absorbed by the body and prevents toxins from escaping the gut so that they can be expelled through excretion process.

Read : What is Leaky Gut? Read the explanation here

When the permeability of the gut increases, the gut wall cannot keep the toxins inside. Problems occur when the toxins, which include glutens, harmful bacteria and undigested particles, escape the gut and enter the bloodstream. This condition, which the term leaky gut syndrome refers to, is believed to cause some serious health problems that range from autoimmune disease and migraines to autism.

Proper Diet as a Solution for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome causes the permeability of the gut wall to be compromised. Therefore, the best way to prevent this syndrome from causing damaging symptoms is by avoiding foods and drinks that may trigger them. By maintaining proper leaky gut diet plan, you can make sure that no harm will be done to your bodily organs when the content of your gut leaks out.

The most important purpose of maintaining proper leaky gut diet plan is to prevent autoimmune disease from occurring. When toxins escaping from the gut enter the bloodstream, the body’s immune system will try to fight them. If this occurs over a long period of time, the immune system will be accustomed to fighting everything, including substances that occur naturally in the body. Autoimmune disease is dangerous because it can trigger such conditions as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Addison’s disease. By maintaining proper leaky gut diet plan, the damage can be prevented before it gets worse.

Proper Leaky Gut Diet Plan for People with The Syndrome

Leaky gut diet plan requires avoiding food molecules that worsen the condition and consuming nutrients that improve the environment of the gut. If you have this syndrome, here are substances that you should avoid.
  1. Sugar and yeast Sugar and yeast are foods for yeasts in the gut. Yeasts that live in the gut are harmful because they may cause infection that is technically called candidiasis. By avoiding foods that are rich in sugar and yeast, such as coke, cakes and bread, you can prevent the growth of yeasts in your gut.
  2. Gluten The increased permeability of the gut wall is primarily caused by inflammation. Gluten is a known allergen that may exacerbate the inflammation and thus should be avoided. Foods that are rich in gluten include pastas, cereals and bread.
  3. Lactose Intolerance to lactose is an allergic effect that may trigger leaky gut symptoms. Lactose is found mainly in dairy products. If you are used to consuming them, consider replacing them with lactose-free alternatives.
Besides avoiding those foods, leaky gut diet plan recommends that you consume foods that can help your gut repair itself. Foods that are rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits are among the most recommended foods for people with leaky gut syndrome.

Colostrum Leaky Gut : Lot Of Benefit For Curing The Symptoms

The treatment of colostrum leaky gut for healing the gut syndrome. Where the substance has been widely used in many forms and function. It gives some evidences and there are lot of benefit colostrum for leaky gut can be used for healing the syndrome. In this article, you will learn how the colostrum works in curing the symptoms.

Colostrum for leaky gut syndrome healing

What You Must Care About Leaky Gut Syndrome

Definition leaky gut syndrome is a condition characterized with increased permeability of the intestinal wall due to inflammation. Normally, the permeability of the gut wall is intended to allow healthy nutrients to pass through the wall and to enter the bloodstream while blocking toxic substances, such as bad bacteria and undigested particles, from entering the bloodstream. When the wall is inflamed, those toxins may escape and wreak havoc in many bodily organs. The immune system is the bodily system that receives the most damage. Because the leakage forces this system to continuously fight the toxins, it will eventually fight everything, including normal components of the body, and produce antibodies against them.

What Is Colostrum?

Colostrum, the fluid used in colostrum leaky gut treatment, is the first secretion from mammary glands. Before pregnant mammals produce true milk, they will produce colostrum first. What is colostrum benefit? Colostrum benefits are contain rich in antibodies and minerals that are given to babies the first time they suckling the breasts. Everything that the babies receive from colostrum is proven to be powerful because before suckling the breasts, the babies literally don’t have anything to protect them from viruses and bacteria. Colostrum provides such powerful protection to them.

All mammals, including human, produce colostrum. What is used in colostrum leaky gut treatment is bovine colostrum, which is taken from cow. Bovine colostrum has been widely used by athletes to repair their muscles and to enhance their performance. You will be using this substance to repair your gut wall lining and to reinforce its strength.

How To Treat Leaky Gut Syndrome with Colostrum

The most effective way to prevent the damaging effects of leaky gut syndrome is by improving your diet plan. By consuming foods and drinks that improve the overall well-being of your gut and avoiding those that harm it, you can prevent the condition from worsening and create a healthy environment in your intestine while allowing it to heal itself.

Among various nutritional remedies how to heal leaky gut syndrome that you can try is colostrum. This fluid is rich in antibodies and minerals. If you consume it when you have leaky gut syndrome and perform colostrum leaky gut treatment, you can have it protect your gut from infection, reinforce the lining of your gut wall, and repair the damaged and inflamed gut wall.

How Does Colostrum Leaky Gut Treatment Work?

Colostrum leaky gut treatment works by supplying the gut with necessary nutrients to make it stronger. The increased permeability of the gut occurs because gut wall lining is so weak that it allows toxins to escape the gut, enter the bloodstream and trigger aggressive autoimmune activities in the body. Colostrum keeps strengthening the gut wall while it heals itself from inflammation.

Benefit Colostrum Leaky Gut Consumption For Curing The Syndrome

By consuming colostrum together with foods and drinks that create healthy environment in the gut, including fiber-rich, lactose-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free nutriments, you can prevent the syndrome from worsening and solving leaky gut syndrome to regain its well-being. Colostrum is now available as food supplement that you can buy online or from nearby shops.

Quercetin Leaky Gut : Cure The Syndrome With Effective Treatment

It is to be knows that quercetin leaky gut treatment is one option that most people choose when curing the syndrome. But you have to know first how it works and how effective the curing method before applying the healing treatment to the disease. Belo the explanation how the process of quercetin in removing leaky gut (Read : What Is Leaky Gut) and some benefits for you and other users who choose this option. Read more.

What Is Quercetin As Leaky Gut Cure

Quercetin is known to be one of the most effective substance on how to cure leaky gut syndrome. Quercetin is a flavonoid, meaning it is a potent anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-allergy substance. As one of the most pervasive flavonoids found in food, quercetin is quite easy to obtain. In some vegetables, spices and fruits, such as kale, onion and apples, quercetin is found in abundant amount. As a beneficial substance, quercetin is thus found in many delicious foods that you usually eat. If you want to treat leaky gut syndrome, quercetin leaky gut treatment is one of the easiest and the most effective solutions that you can actually try.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome Actually?

The wall of the gut is designed to be semipermeable so that healthy nutrients that the body needs can be absorbed from the food when it passes through the gut. The food obviously may also carry toxic substances, indigestible particles, dangerous bacteria and fungi, and other substances that the body doesn’t need. Those junks are meant to be expelled from the body through excretion process. Under normal condition, the gut wall with its semipermeable properties can allow the absorption of healthy nutrients, prevent harmful substances from seeping through the wall, and keep those substances in the gut until they can be excreted.

How To Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome With Quercetin

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition characterized with higher permeability level of the gut wall. This means the gut wall can no longer prevent those toxic substances from escaping the gut and entering the bloodstream. What will happen then is that the body will try to fight those substances. If this fighting continues, the body’s immune system will start to act anomalously and attack normal body tissues and substance. This condition is called autoimmune disease. Quercetin leaky gut cure treatment is intended to prevent this mishap from ever happening.

Read : How To Cure Leaky Gut Just With a Good Diet Plan

How Does Quercetin Leaky Gut Treatment Work?

In your body, quercetin does a number of miraculous actions that are proven to be beneficial for your digestive organs, especially the gut. Quercetin is known to be a potent anti-allergic substance. In the gut, it prevents the release of histamine and puts a stop to allergic reactions that trigger the “leak.” Canceling the allergic effect that occurs in the gut is the first step of quercetin leaky gut treatment. Besides preventing allergy, quercetin also strengthens the gut wall by catalyzing the assembly and activation of tight junction proteins, which regulate the permeability of the gut wall. Being a potent antioxidant, quercetin also sweeps away damaging free radicals in the body.

Quercetin with Other Flavonoids

Quercetin works well with other flavonoids. Therefore, in addition to consuming herbs that are rich in quercetin, such as onion, which contains about 200-600 mg of quercetin per 1 kg, it is also recommended that you consume other herbs that are rich in naringinen, another flavonoid that offers the same healing effect with that of quercetin. Adding polyphenols to your diet is also recommended as they improve the biological environment in the gut by supplying it with good bacteria. Quercetin leaky gut treatment accompanied with enough supply of beneficial flavonoids can help you free yourself from the harmful effects of leaky gut syndrome.